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1. Introduction
This safety statement is designed to set out the control measures that the club has in place to reduce the risk associated with its activities to the minimum that is reasonably practicable.
The document sets out the role of the club’s officers with respect to safety.
The officers have overall responsibility for ensuring safety standards are high and that members are aware of these standards.
Officers should bring this document to the attention of members and explain to them the basic safety rules that all members must adhere to when participating in society/club activities.
1.1 Role of the Chairperson of the Club
The Chairperson’s role with respect to safety involves the following;
1.2 Role of each club member
We endeavor to offer our members a safe environment in which to participate in activities. The Officers will, to the best of their abilities, bring to the attention of members the risks associated with the activities. However members are expected to make themselves aware of hazards and to be responsible for their own health and safety.
2. Reporting of accidents
Accidents that occur as a result of the clubs activities or while a member is participating in the club’s activities must be investigated, recorded on an accident report report and a copy sent to the Safety Officer, Chairperson or Child Welfare Officer within 5 days of the accident occurring.
Members are insured against personal injury while participating in club activities. Non members are not. The Club Commitee will deal with claims that may arise. Officers must ensure members are signed as club members. Accidents are defined as incidents were a person is injured to such an extent that they require first aid or other medical treatment (doctor, nurse, hospital visit).
2.1 Serious accidents and fatalities
Serious accidents or fatalities must be reported to the Safety Officer, Chairperson or Child Welfare Officer as soon as possible. If neither the Chairperson or Child Welfare Officer is not available the other committee members must be informed
Contact details for current Safety Officer, Chairperson, Child Welfare Officer should be made available to all club members.
3. First aid
For activities where there is a risk of minor injury an officer of the club must be designated to maintain a suitable first aid kit. For activities where there is a higher risk of injury the club should have a designated trained first aider with each group. It is recommended that the following clubs have a trained first aider;
Clubs should contact the Club Safety Officer to arrange to participate in a first aid course.
A first aid kit must be brought on trips away. The recommended contents of a travel first aid kit are given below however certain activities may require specialized contents.
First aid kit contents can be purchased through the Club Safety Officer.
4. Hiring of transport
When hiring minibuses or other vehicles for club outings only drivers with the appropriate drivers license are insured to drive the vehicle. Club members must not drive. Where possible only minibuses fitted with seat belts should be hired.
5. Purchase of services
Where a club uses the facilities of a service provider or equipment belonging to a service provider an officer of the club must ensure that the service provider has public liability insurance. A copy of the certificate of insurance should be obtained by an officer of the club prior to the use of the venue or equipment. Ensure that the insurance policy wording does not exclude any of the activities that your club will be participating in. If the service provider cannot provide a certificate then the club should consider to use an alternative service provider.
6. Hiring in equipment to be used
If a club is hiring in equipment for use on soccer pitches such as bouncy castles or performers such as fire jugglers, the club’s officers must first obtain permission from the Safety Officer, Chairperson or Child Welfare Officery. Once permission is obtained the club must get an up-to-date copy of the service provider’s insurance certificate.
7. Safety checks on equipment owned by the club.
Equipment purchased by clubs is the property of the club.
To ensure the safety of users the committee require club officers to carry out visual checks on all equipment whose use could have implications for health and safety, i.e. if the equipment was faulty or in poor condition it may adversely affect the health and safety of users.
Checks must be carried out on the equipment.
All equipment must be maintained to the highest possible standard. In this regard they should be cleaned regularly. All equipment should be stored in a dry secure place when not in use. Regular and frequent checks for condition should be carried out e.g. checking power cords for faults.
8. Loaning of equipment
Club equipment or equipment belonging to the Club must not be loaned to third parties who are not members of the club. A club member must not borrow equipment for use by third parties even if the club member is present or in the group using the equipment.
9. Using electrical equipment
There are a number of risk associated with electrical equipment. If you damage electrical equipment, for example a cable, then bare live wires may be exposed. Apparatus may be wrongly connected so that outside metal parts become live. Electrical equipment that overheats can cause fire.
Maintenance, inspection and repair should only be carried out by someone who is suitably qualified.
Do not rely on other people’s equipment being in a safe condition or properly connected. Check before you use it.
Do not connect or use incompatible items of equipment.
Use a residual current device (RCD) on the power supply to instruments, audio equipment and any other equipment which club members use. If the RCD trips it is a sign that there is a fault that could be dangerous. Do not ignore the warning. Report it so we can have it checked and get the fault fixed by a competent person.
10. Training of leaders/instructors and ratio of experienced persons to novices
Our club is affiliated to FAI governing body and the requirements of that body must be adhered to.
11. Trips in Ireland (day and longer) where club members may be involved in potentially hazardous activities
Club officers must leave contact details with the Club Commitee before setting out on a trip, giving the destination and estimated time of return. The club officer should contact the Club Commitee on return of the club members. In the event of a problem arising the designated person should be instructed to contact the appropriate authorities.
12. Trips abroad
Trips abroad should be notified to the the Club Committee, at least one week prior to departure. The names of all trip participants, their next of kin and contact addresses and numbers must be provided.
13. Bullying
Ballinhassig AFC do not tolerate bullying. Bullying is repeated aggression, verbal, psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against another person or persons. Isolated incidents of aggressive behaviour, while to be condemned, should not be described as bullying. Aggressive behaviour that is systematic and ongoing should be regarded as bullying. Sanctions will be taken against those found to be in breach of the policy. Club members should contact the Club Chairman or Child Welfare Officer if this is happening.
14. Annual Review of Safety Statement
At the initial meeting of the newly elected committee after the AGM the committee should review the contents of this safety statement and ensure that the contents are still relevant to the activities of the club. If the club is participating in additional activities that may have safety implications the officers should draw up a policy to state how the club is going to minimize the risk associated with those activities. The names of those designated to look after first aid kits, etc should be changed. A copy of the Safety Statement should be produced and dated. A copy of the Safety Statement must be available to club members.
Last Reviewed September 2023
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