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Yellow Cards:
The first two (2) cautions are €5 fine each, cautions 3,4,5,6 do not incur a fine. Cautions 7,8 and 9 are €5 each, cautions 10-15 are €10 each. Cautions 15-20 are €20 each.
Misconduct by Players and Officials
1. Including the automatic suspension incurred, the overall suspension imposed on any Player receiving a red card shall be for:
(a) At least one (1) match suspension for denying the opposing team a clear goal scoring opportunity and €30 minimum fine.
(b) At least one (1) match for unsporting conduct and €30 minimum fine.
(c) At least one (1) match suspension for receiving a second caution in the same match and €30 minimum fine.
(d) At least two (2) match suspension for serious foul play (particularly in the case of the use of excessive or brute force) and €35 minimum fine.
(e) At least three (3) match suspension for assaulting (deliberately pushing, pulling, striking, butting, elbowing, punching, kicking) an opponent or a person other than a Match Official and €40 minimum fine.
(f) At least six (6) match suspension for spitting at an opponent or a person, other than a Match Official and €50 minimum fine.
(g) At least ten (10) match suspension for any participant who offends, disparages, discriminates against or denigrates someone or a group of persons, in a derogatory manner and €100 minimum fine.
Misconduct by Players and Officials against Match Officials:
Where a Player or Official receives a red card and/or is subsequently reported for misconduct against a Match Official the overall suspension imposed shall be:
(a) At least three (3) match suspension for foul, insulting or abusive language that is used directly towards a match official and €50 minimum fine.
(b) At least six (6) match suspension for behaviour that is aggressive, intimidating, or threatening towards a Match Official and €100 minimum fine.
(c) At least twelve (12) match suspension for deliberately placing a hand on, brushing against or obstructing a Match Official and €100 minimum fine.
Please note where a player or official has been reported as having committed an assault or attempted assault on a Match Official, the Munster Senior League shall immediately refer the matter to the FAI Disciplinary Control Unit and the player or official shall automatically stand suspended until the disciplinary process has been completed.
Any club failing to play a match on the date arranged (A Walkover), without giving a satisfactory explanation shall be fined.
Clubs giving a walkover shall be levied with a bond €317 which shall be refunded if they go through the following season without giving a walkover.
A team giving three (3) walkovers may be removed from the league for the remainder of the season and points awarded to all opponents for remaining fixtures.
Disciplinary Procedures for Season 2023/24
Please note there will be no disciplinary meetings at present, unless it is urgent, and a personal hearing is required. The process will now consist of, the match referee uploading the team sheet and sending off report (where applicable) on the FAI Comet System. The club will automatically receive notification of yellow cards and red cards where applicable. Please note a player sent off is automatically suspended for his next local match, under the jurisdiction of the Munster Senior League. If there is any additional suspension to be imposed the club will be notified accordingly. In cases where a minimum/mandatory suspension is imposed please note, there is no right of appeal.
Please see details of the suspensions which will apply to players, team managers and technical staff during the Season 2023/24
These disciplinary rules are in accordance with Section 7 Disciplinary Regulations Football Association of Ireland Governance Handbook, June 2023.
This is not an exhaustive list and does not cover every situation however it is a general list of offences as outlined in the FAI Governance Handbook, June 2023.
FAI Governance Handbook June 2023 Section 7.5: Regulation 6 states: The body that imposes the fine decides the terms and time limits for payment and the level of the fine if not otherwise provided for in these Regulations or in specific competition rules.
Section 7.5: Regulation 8: Caution (Yellow Card)
A caution (yellow card) is a warning from the Referee to a Player and/or Official during a match to sanction offences as identified by Law 12 of the Laws of the Game. Cautions may result in fines. Please note fines may be applied on an accumulative basis.
Two (2) cautions received during the same match incur an expulsion and consequently, an automatic suspension. The two (2) cautions that incurred the red card are rescinded. Please see table below which shows details of accumulated cautions and appropriate suspensions.
5 Cautions = Automatic 1 Match Suspension
10 Cautions = Automatic 1 Match Suspension
15 Cautions = Automatic 1 Match Suspension
20 Cautions = Automatic 1 Match Suspension
1. The below table relates to misconduct by Players and/or Officials which results in red card:
Denying the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity = 1 match minimum suspension
Unsporting conduct = 1 match minimum suspension
Receiving a second caution in the same match = 1 match minimum suspension
Serious foul play = 2 match minimum suspension
Voilent conduct = 3 match minimum suspension
Spitting at an opponent or person other than a match official = 6 match minimum suspension
2. A Player or Official who has not received a red card but who has been reported for misconduct may be sanctioned in accordance with Regulation 1.1 and Regulation 1.2.
3. A Disciplinary Committee may impose an additional suspension upon consideration of the Match Official’s report and any other factors they deem relevant.
4. The right is reserved to punish an infringement which has escaped the Match Official’s attention and a fine may also be imposed in all cases
1. Where a Player or Official receives a red card and/or is subsequently reported for misconduct against a Match Official the overall suspension imposed shall be:
Foul, insulting or abusive language that is used directly towads a match official = At least a 3 match suspension
Behaviour that is aggresive intimidating or threatening towards a match official = At least a 6 match suspension
Deliberately placing a hand on, brishing against or obstructing a match official = At least a 3 match suspension
Assaulting or attempting to assault a match official (pushing, pullingspitting, striking, elbow, punch, kick etc) = At least a 3 match suspension
Assaulting match official (headbutting, deliberately pushing, pulling, kicking etc) = At least a 3 match suspension
2. Where a Player or Official persists in using foul and abusive language, having been sent from the field of play, a further sanction shall be applied.
3. Separate incidents of misconduct towards a Match Official in relation to the same game shall incur an additional sanction for any such incident.
4. Any club that has a player, team and/or official found to be in continuous and persistent breach of Regulation 2 may be subject to a separate investigation by the Disciplinary Regulations Officer (‘‘DRO’’) who can consider the culpability of the Club and subject to such investigation, the DRO may issue a charge(s) against the club directly.
5. Where a sanction is imposed for committing assault or attempted assault on a Match Official the Disciplinary Committee may impose any other sanction available under the FAI Disciplinary Regulations.
6. Where a Player or Official has been reported for an alleged breach of Regulation 2(1)(c) the Player or Official shall automatically stand suspended to play/participate in games for any other club or in any competitions until the matter is dealt with by the League. Leagues shall address the matter under the FAI Disciplinary Regulations within seven days of receiving the report.
7. A Player or Official whom the Match Official has reported as having committed an assault or attempted assault on a Match Official before, during or immediately after a match shall automatically stand suspended until the disciplinary process has been completed.
8. Where a Player or Official has been reported as having committed an assault or attempted FAI Governance Handbook June 2023 171 an assault on a Match Official, the League shall immediately refer the matter to the FAI Disciplinary Control Unit. A Club or Participant may also refer the matter to the FAI Disciplinary Control Unit. The matter will be decided by the Disciplinary Committee in the first instance and all previous decisions from other bodies/leagues will be revoked. The decision of the I Disciplinary Committee shall be notified to all relevant bodies.
9. Where a Player or Official makes disparaging remarks or comments about a Match Official in mainstream media and/or on their personal social media platform visible to the public that Player or Official shall be dealt with in accordance with Section 7.3 Regulation 17.
1. Any Participant, who offends, disparages, discriminates against or denigrates someone, or a group of persons, in a derogatory manner on account of ‘race’, skin colour, language, religion, disability, gender, ethnic and/or national origin(s) or sexual orientation, or perpetrates any other racist/discriminatory and/or contemptuous act, shall be subject to disciplinary sanction. The relevant disciplinary body shall consider and have the power to impose a suspension, fine and/or other sanction as deemed appropriate. In the case of individuals, the minimum suspension shall be for a period of ten (10) matches.
2. If a spectator, or spectators, engage in racist/discriminatory behaviour, including but not limited to chanting or displaying racist/discriminatory slogans at a match, the relevant disciplinary body shall sanction the Club which the spectator(s) support. If the spectator(s) cannot be identified as a supporter, or supporters, of one or other club/affiliate the host club/affiliate may be sanctioned.
3. Spectators engaging in racist/discriminatory behaviour may be subject to a disciplinary sanction or in the absence of identifying individuals the Club to which they belong may be subject to disciplinary sanction.
4. Sexual or racially-based harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical, verbal and/or written, direct or indirect or via social media channels, shall result in disciplinary action.
Section 7: General: Regulation 1.6
Every Member, League and Club is responsible for the action of its Participants and spectators. In particular, clubs are required to take all precautions necessary to prevent spectators threatening or assaulting Match Officials, Officials and/or Players while in the vicinity of their playing ground.
1. If a team refuses to play a match or refuses to continue playing a match which has begun, may be sanctioned with a fine and/or may forfeit the match.
2. If a Match Official has to abandon a match due to the conduct of members of a team, including their Officials, the offending team may forfeit the match and the team and/or Officials may be sanctioned.
3. In serious cases, the team shall also be disqualified from the competition in progress and may be disqualified from future competitions.
4. If a team fails to fulfil a fixture, in circumstances not already provided for in these Disciplinary Regulations, it may be subject to disciplinary sanction.
5. Any Player selected to play in any International or any other match arranged by the FAI or its Members and who without good and sufficient cause refuses to comply with the arrangements for the playing of the match, or fails to play in such match, may be adjudged to be guilty of misconduct, and such Player, or any Club which may be deemed to have encouraged such Player to behave in such a manner, may be dealt with as the Disciplinary Bodies shall deem appropriate
Please also note in accordance with MSL RULE 27 (a): If a match official has to abandon a match due to the conduct of the members of a team or teams, including their officials, the offending team or teams, shall forfeit the match and the team or teams and/or officials may be sanctioned. The Munster Senior league has decided that clubs responsible for a match being abandoned shall be fined a minimum €500. If both teams are responsible for the abandonment, the match shall be declared null and void.
All suspensions, except where otherwise provided for in the FAI Governance Handbook, June 2023, i.e.: (automatic and mandatory suspensions) may be appealed through the various National Bodies and Provincial Associations.
John Lyne, Disciplinary Secretary MSL.
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