Quid Games Fundraiser
Only two weeks to go so countdown is on and we need everybody in the club to row in behind this fundraiser .. so what can you do
*Adverts: still can be taken until close of business tomorrow Friday 14th March. Full page Advert €150 Half page Advert €100. (Huge thanks to all that have already sent in adverts)
*Tickets: buy a ticket €25 on sale next Wednesday 19th March
Gortnaglough- Committee Room 7pm to 8pm
Sportsmans Rest Ballinhassig 8:30pm to 9:30pm
*Non attending tickets €25 Available as well from any committee member.
*Support: our very brave contestants by donating to their Idonate page by following this link
*Donate: a raffle prize
For information on any of the above please contact
Abbey 087-7740308 or Marie 086-2125663
Abbey 087-7740308 or Marie 086-2125663
Let’s get this Astro built.. #LetsgoAstro#